Let's Not Shut Up
So far I’ve looked at some of the physical factors around THEY SHUT ME UP – the research venues, the settings, the writing process… But...

Location writing for THEY SHUT ME UP or: We Have Always Lived in the Castle (Part 2)
The first time I saw Lemenagh Castle, I was transfixed. It was a sunny day in 2018. I’d stopped in the hamlet of Killinaboy to marvel at...

Location writing for THEY SHUT ME UP or: We Have Always Lived in the Castle (Part 1)
I've always been strongly drawn to ruins and archaeological sites as an inspiration for writing; my second collection, the folk-horror...

The peculiar focus of a residency (or, how I wrote THEY SHUT ME UP in a Finnish forest)
A good residency allows for many things. A rethink, a reset, a new clarity on writing, the company of fellow artists and writers, a...

Researching my novella - THEY SHUT ME UP
It's almost here! My new novella launches on Friday 15th of September at Fantasycon in Birmingham. Click here to pre-order it from PS...