I'm a positive psychology junkie. So when I got a copy of Roxie Nafousi's Manifest: 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life , I couldn't resist...

Shortlists and what they mean
It's been a strange and frantic time, transitioning from two years as a freelance writer back to academia. It's been amazing to be back...

At the Irish launch of THEY SHUT ME UP
Huge thanks to all involved in the Ennis International Fantastic Film Festival for hosting the Irish book launch of THEY SHUT ME UP. In...

Irish book launch of THEY SHUT ME UP; in conversation with Martina Durac as part of EIFF festival
The Season of the Witch is upon us. I'm excited and very much looking forward to the Irish book launch of THEY SHUT ME UP as part of...

Let's Not Shut Up
So far I’ve looked at some of the physical factors around THEY SHUT ME UP – the research venues, the settings, the writing process… But...

Location writing for THEY SHUT ME UP or: We Have Always Lived in the Castle (Part 2)
The first time I saw Lemenagh Castle, I was transfixed. It was a sunny day in 2018. I’d stopped in the hamlet of Killinaboy to marvel at...

Location writing for THEY SHUT ME UP or: We Have Always Lived in the Castle (Part 1)
I've always been strongly drawn to ruins and archaeological sites as an inspiration for writing; my second collection, the folk-horror...

The peculiar focus of a residency (or, how I wrote THEY SHUT ME UP in a Finnish forest)
A good residency allows for many things. A rethink, a reset, a new clarity on writing, the company of fellow artists and writers, a...

Researching my novella - THEY SHUT ME UP
It's almost here! My new novella launches on Friday 15th of September at Fantasycon in Birmingham. Click here to pre-order it from PS...

Meeting the Hag
Two years ago, in a cottage here, I met the Hag. I met her in the folktales of Sean O'Conaill, the storyteller who once lived there. And...