My updates are sadly overdue, but much to report!
My last post centred on my upcoming Limnisa residency. I'm happy to say it was one of the most beautiful and productive writing times I've ever spent anywhere. The place was breath-taking, the other residents so kind and sharing, and the upshot was producing two short stories, 'I Write Your Name' and 'Two A Penny,' one flash piece, 'Haunted By The Ghost,' and story notes for another short, 'Love Like Blood.'
Most significantly, the third edition of The Unheimlich Manoeuvre was published in March 2020 by the Sinister Horror Company. This third, hardback edition is a beauty; containing all of the material in The Unheimlich Manoeuvre as well as Fahey’s essay ‘Creative Evocations of Uncanny Domestic Spaces,’ five additional stories, an original print and piece, ‘Remembering Wildgoose Lodge,’ and complete story notes for all stories. And there's also a mini-collection, Unheimlich Manoeuvres In The Dark which is composed of the additional material, for those who already have a copy of the original. All can be purchased at https://www.sinisterhorrorcompany.com/the-unheimlich-manoeuvre
In other news, I'm delighted to say that since I last wrote a post, during this pandemic, I've had work accepted for Fiends in the Furrow II (Nosetouch Press), Gothic Detective Thrillers (Flametree Press), Infection II: Tales To Read In The Dark (Things In The Well Press) and After The Sirens Have Faded (A Murder Of Storytellers) and another for an as yet unannounced line-up. I've also applied for and been awarded a place on a crime fiction progamme, 'Criminal Intent.'
In the meantime I'm working away on my next collection, 'I Spit Myself Out,' and hoping to announce more on that soon...