Edge-Lit launch - The Unheimlich Manoeuvre
On the 16th of July at 11am, I launched my first collection. It was a strange and beautiful moment. Slightly unnerving to be reading an extract in front of venerated peers like my editor, James Everington, V.H. Leslie, Mark West, Terry Grimwood, Cate Gardner, Priya Sharma and others...I didn't have the presence of mind to ask anyone to take my photos, but the tall and kind Steve Shaw of Black Shuck obliged. I read from 'Coming Back', influenced mainly by my week of medical Gothic at home...

After that there were great panels, most notably on the Supernatural and Crime Fiction, and the bliss of hanging out and buying books with wonderful people.
Thanks to all who bought my book and asked me to sign it. You are my heroes.
Lovely to finally meet Adele (aka gorgeous Aunty Fox) with Daz and Tom; it was especially gratifying and gorgeous to see their photos of my book in their haul photos afterwards on Facebook. Here's Daz's lovely photo...

Here's Adele's photo...

And of course my own photo!

It was great to remeet James and Cate and Simon, and to hang out with an array of superb writers and all-round good folk. Thanks to Alex and Pixie for being patient with my eternal tendency to get lost and mislay possessions, John, Gary, Theresa and Yvonne for chats, Steve for kindly but sternly instructing me where to go, Marie, Paul, Johnny and Alexandra for breakfast company, Daryl for shouting 'I designed your book cover!' across a street in Derby late at night, Priya for medical Gothic chats and especially to Victoria Leslie, who is not only a very fine writer and researcher, but who insisted on keeping me company when I lost my hotel keycard at 1am. And all the wonderful micro-chats at stalls and hotel reception and launches and panels.
Edge-Lit people - you are DAMN FINE PEOPLE!